Shakespeare Muzavazi

In a shocking revelation that exudes that ZANU PF politics is a dirty game, Fist Lady Grace Mugabe  allegedly sponsored the nationwide demonstrations against Sarah Mahoka and Eunice  Sandy Moyo both members of the ZANU PF women’s league.

A ZANU PF insider who chose anonymity for the fear of victimization told this reporter that, all the pluck cards used in the demonstrations were printed using Grace Mugabe’s money; more than $50 000 was used to feed and pay the protesters.

“If you clearly checked, all the posters used in the protest had the same message, the only difference was the language, and those messages were dictated by the First Lady, those protests were remote controlled from the top echelons of the Woman’s League,” revealed the insider.

The insider also divulged that Mahoka and Moyo were threatening the first lady’s hegemonic interest in the ZANU PF Woman’s league.

This development comes after hundreds of Zanu PF women’s league members yesterday called for the ouster of their deputy politburo secretary and Bulawayo Provincial Affairs minister Eunice Sandi-Moyo and Treasurer Sarah Mahoka, accusing them of undermining First Lady Grace Mugabe.

The placard-waving women demonstrated at various centres throughout the country, accusing the two of sabotaging Grace and making it difficult for President Robert Mugabe’s wife to carry out her functions as the women’s league boss.

The demonstrators handed written petitions to provincial chair ladies calling for the ouster of the two from the women’s wing for various alleged crimes that included embezzlement of funds, in addition to disrespecting Grace and other senior party officials, including Vice-Presidents.

They accused Sandi-Moyo of setting up parallel structures and making decisions without consulting Grace, who is the secretary for women affairs in the ruling party.

Mahoka was targeted for challenging Grace in high-profile meetings and disrespecting Vice-President Emmerson Munangagwa and Mugabe’s spokesperson George Charamba.

Sandi-Moyo and Mahoka were selected at the party’s last congress and will have to be removed by a congress of the full women’s league executive.