The National Covid-19 Lockdown Level 4 has been extended by another two weeks, with government calling on citizens not to drop guard.

In a statement Minister of Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Monica Mutsvangwa said this has been necessitated by the fact that more effort is required to contain the third wave.

“This has been necessitated by the realisation that although there has been a notable decrease in the number of Covid-19 infections and deaths, more efforts are required to contain the third wave of the pandemic,” says Minister Mutsvangwa.

The minister urged fellow citizens to continue maintaining adherance to health measures.

Last month, the government extended the level 4 lockdown by further 2 weeks which was reviewed yesterday.

The level 4 lockdown brought about with it the closure of schools and the restriction of inter city movements.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Republic Police is on record urging citizens to adhere to lockdown regulations and a number of people have been arrested for defying such measures.
