Renowned Zimbabwean social media influencer Shadaya Knight has warned men to plan well for their old age to avoid spending their last years in hell.

He says the moment kids are able to fend for themselves, the father cease to be of much use, especially in their wife’s eyes.

Shadaya adds that the children will take care of their mother more than the father, because subconsciously children value their mothers more than fathers.


A harsh pill to swallow, if you fail to plan for your old age, you will experience hell. Know this, that wife of yours you love so much and your own kids will care less about you in your old age.

The moment your kids are able to fend for themselves, you cease to be of much use, especially in your wife’s eyes.

And the children will take care of their mother more than you the father, because subconsciously children value their mothers more than fathers. Why is that so?

For example – a child asks his father for $100, he wants to buy something so important to him/ her.

The father agrees because he wants to see his child smile but he then realizes he only has $100 to sustain him for that week. So he decides to give $90 to the child and he’ll manage his week with $10.

The child will accept the money but with no gratitude, seeing this the mother will pitch in and give $10 to make it $100 as requested. The child will thank his mother for making the money $100

In all this, the child fails to realise the father gave more than the mother and that’s how it is throughout a child’s life.

The child never gets to see the sacrifices the father makes, because most of the time, the father gives via the mother. And the child subconsciously thinking the world of his/ her mother

Ask any child right now – if they were to lose a parent, which one would they want gone, it will be the father.

In every family, both the wife and children, expect the father to die first. It’s always seen as an anomaly if the mother dies first.

When children visit their parents, they will give money to their mother on the side, then give money to both parents but still handing it over to their mother

When the children have their own families, the mother will be invited more to visit to see/play with the grandchildren, whilst the father is left all to himself

When their mother is sick, she will be given assistance quickly whislt if it’s the father time is needed to organise resources

Just like in the jungle when the old alpha male lion is no longer of use, the lionesses conspire with the young lions to chase it away.

Your wife and children will conspire against you whether consciously or subconsciously

This is the harsh reality that men will go through in their old ages, because in society mothers are over valued whilst fathers are under valued

The only way a man can minimize this is by making sure he has set up investments that will take care of him even in his old age.

At the same time, having such investments will make the children tolerate him as they hope for not being scratched out of his inheritance

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