A 13-YEAR-OLD girl from Makokoba suburb in Bulawayo has been missing for the past five days and her family is appealing for help to find her.

Thabisile Pearl Nyathi was last seen last Tuesday morning around 5 am.

Her mother who could only be indentified as Manyathi said for the past five days she has been living through her worst nightmare as she does not know if her daughter is safe wherever she is.

She said the missing Thabisile is doing grade 7 at Lobengula Primary School and has never been a troublesome child, so she is shocked by her disappearance.

“She must have left in the early hours of Tuesday morning as l heard movement in the house and thought she was going to the toilet. I was shocked to later realise she was not at home and because of that l cannot say what she was wearing when she left,” said Manyathi.

Apparently, the Zimbabwe Republic Police is yet to say something as to receiving a report or not.

Manyathi is pleaded with anyone who might have seen Thabisile to contact her so they can find her.

The family can be contacted on

+263 77408540

+263 712978590


-Text/ content: The Chronicles