A 39-year old supervisor with Simply Wild, a conservancy and wildlife company in which former Reserve Bank Governor, Gideon Gono is the major shareholder, has appeared before the magistrates court after he was found in illegal possession of a leopard skin.

The Simply Wild boss, Elastos Mazorodze recently appeared before Masvingo magistrate Farai Gwitima charged with contravention of section 59 (2) (b) of the Parks and Wildlife Act which is possession of a leopard skin without a permit or license.

As the Mirror reported, on June 2, 2021 the Flora and Fauna Unit received a tipoff from a reliable source that Mazorodze possessed a leopard skin which he had removed from an unknown place and kept at his residence.

Detectives in company of the Zimbabwe National Parks officers proceeded to Mazorodze’s place and the accused was approached and advised on the nature of the enquiry.

Mazorodze led the detectives to a house belonging to one of the workers and allegedly took the skin from the roof truss where he had allegedly hidden it.

The detectives asked him to produce a license or permit that allowed him to possess the leopard skin and he failed leading to his arrest.

Simply Wild conservancy specialises in the breeding of lions and other games excluding the leopards.

Simply Wild has two other shareholders who are Clifton Marcus Reed Sparrow and Emmanuel Runganga Gumbo who is Zimbabwe’s ambassador to Sudan. mirror.
