Former presidential candidate Taurai Bryn Mteki has dragged his legal counsel, Moses Nkomo, to court accusing the lawyer of assaulting him after he failed to settle his legal fees in time.

According to New Zimbabwe Nkomo was representing Mteki in a civil case in March of this year was unhappy that Mteki was dragging his feet in settling his bills despite the fact that the lawyers had presented a solid case which they felt was likely to succeed.

He is alleged to have confronted Mteki said,

Give us our money. Why do you want to change dates knowing that you are going to win the case? That is why you are not winning the election.

The court was told that after Nkomo and Mteki were given a later day to return to court by the clerk of court, Nkomo used his elbow to assault Mteki while uttering some f-words.

Nkomo is being represented by Obey Shava, a top human rights lawyer.

-New Zimbabwe