Former minister of Foreign Affairs Walter Mzembi has accused ZANU PF of planning to arrest ex Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa.

Mzembi lambasted the ruling party for plotting evil against Chamisa.

“Mashura nezviratidzo!

“Vanhu vakagwa hondo vorangana kusunga munhu ange arishiye, ane makore maviri paIndependence nokuti wati haachadi kutungamirira bato rake.

“Ko zvineyi navo izvi??
Ko handiti ndozvatairwira??”

His sentiments comes after Presidential spokesperson George Charamba (pictured) called for Chamisa’s arrest on allegations that he missused CCC funds.

As if that was not enough, ZANU PF senior official Chris Mutswangwa also echoed same sentiments.

However, Chamisa says his hands are clean, saying party funds are never handled by presidents but party treasurers.
