Five family members on Tuesday died in a case of suspected food poisoning in Village 7 Masangula, Chief Chitanga in Mwenezi.

There is a strong suspicion that the sadza got mixed up with some lethal poison that ended in people’s food plates.

It is very common for villagers to keep pesticides and other deadly chemicals in unsecured places where they also store food.

Police say the case involves a polygamous marriage where one of three wives prepared sadza with milk which was eaten by seven members of family.

While eating the family members started complaining of stomach pains and diarrhea except for one child who did not eat.

Five of the seven died minutes later while two were taken to Chiredzi hospital where they were treated and discharged in a stable condition.

No arrests have been made yet. was informed by a local police constabulary that arrests will only take place if there is suspicion of foul play based on autopsy results that are yet to be released.

Police have also released the names of the deceased as Esther Kunguli (70), Beauty Baloyi (4), Silvia Baloyi (7), Tafadzwa Pote (7) and Takudzwa Pote (4).

The bodies of the five have been taken to Chiredzi district hospital for post mortem.