Zimbabwean President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa’s new cabinet – which is stuffed with family members, relatives and cronies – will meet for the first today.

This is happening at the time the cabinet is under scrutiny as concerns over Mnangagwa’s nepotism and clansmanship worsen.

In a statement, acting Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Martin Rushwaya said the meeting would start at 09:00 hours.

Mnangagwa recently announced his cabinet which raised concerns over nepotism claims.

Among those he appointed are his son David and nephew Tongai.

Mnangagwa’s son David is to deputize finance minister Mthuli Ncube while his nephew, Tongai, would serve as deputy minister in the country’s tourism ministry.

David has also been made a member of parliament after being handpicked by the ruling Zanu-PF party through a youth quota arrangement.

It is believed that Mnangagwa has many other relatives in his cabinet, who may not be easily identified by an ordinary citizen on the street because of different surnames.
