Ex- Zanu PF terror organiser, Jim Kunaka, was attacked at the weekend.  Kunaka was apparently attacked by 4 people and lost US $2,000 and his mobile phone. Kunaka suspects the attack was targeted and not carried out to rob him.

Said Kunaka on the incident:

The attack was not about money, I believe there was another agenda. Nobody knew I was carrying such money.

I drove from Mbare to Seke Road to meet my cousin whom I wanted to give some money. I was then approached by a man who first greeted me and then dragged me out of the car. He searched the car and took away US$2 000, while his accomplices attacked me with empty beer bottles. They got into their getaway car, a Caravan kombi, and sped off.

The attackers got away and the matter was reported to the police.