Zimbabwe’s main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa has described the reports of ghastly violent attacks by authorities in tiny eSwatini against the civilian populace as worrisome.

According to Chamisa, who is president of the MDC Alliance, there is need for the regional Sadc bloc to ‘urgently help’ by bringing all stakeholders into dialogue for the restoration of peace in the landlocked southern African kingdom.

“Reports of gruesome violence against unarmed civilians by eSwatini authorities is worrisome,” Chamisa said in a late Friday night tweet.

Added the lawyer-cum-presidential-hopeful:

“The quest for democratic governance in eSwatini is legitimate and just. SADC should urgently help to restore peace by bringing all stakeholders into dialogue”.

Tensions have been high in Africa’s last absolute monarchy (formerly Swaziland) after pro-democracy demonstrators in the kingdom this week defied a dusk-to-dawn overnight curfew amid amplified concerns that security forces in eSwatini have been applying ‘deadly force’ to crush dissenting civilians.
