Plumbing emergencies can happen at any time, and what’s done immediately after they happen can make a difference in how much damage the homeowners have to deal with once the repairs are made. If there is a burst pipe or other plumbing emergency in the home, it is crucial to know what steps to take to help minimize the potential damage and to get help so the issue is fixed. 

Call for Help Right Away

As soon as a plumbing emergency happens, it’s crucial to call for professional help. Homeowners will need a plumber to make sure the source of the problem is detected and that the repair is done right to prevent leaks or other issues in the future. A burst pipe, for instance, can be caused by blockages further up the line. The plumber can find and clear the blockages so the homeowners won’t have to worry about the pipes bursting again. 

Turn Off the Water Source

As soon as possible after the issue is detected, it’s a good idea to turn off the water in the area. This will help minimize the amount of water leaking out of the pipes and the damage the water can cause. In most cases, there are shutoff valves in different areas of the house to shut off the water to certain sections at a time. If there isn’t one in the house for that area, it may be necessary to turn off the main shutoff valve for the home. Doing this does turn off water for the whole house, so repairs will need to be done quickly. 

Open the Faucets

It is a good idea to open the other faucets in the area and let them drain to relieve the pressure near where the burst pipe occurred. If the water was shut off properly, this should remove the remaining water from the pipes so it doesn’t get on the floor or inside the walls. This helps to minimize the amount of water that can spill into the home, helping to reduce the cleanup efforts and the potential for more serious damage. 

Contain the Water

It is important to work fast to try to contain the water so it doesn’t get into areas that are hard to clean or cause more severe damage. Use towels to soak up water on the floor as well as buckets or bowls to catch the water that is coming out of the burst pipe. Use whatever is around the house to help catch the water and contain it so it doesn’t do more damage. 

Clean the Area Thoroughly

It is crucial to make sure the area is cleaned up to prevent water from seeping into areas where it can be hard to clean. Standing water that gets into the walls or flooring can lead to mold growth, which can be dangerous for those living inside the home. Homeowners will want to use methods to help prevent mold on carpets, in the walls, and in other areas to minimize the potential long-term damage that can occur. 

If you experience a plumbing emergency, take these steps to help minimize the damage done. Calling a professional will help to ensure the plumbing issue is taken care of properly and fixed to prevent anything from happening in the near future. Call now to get the help needed to handle any plumbing emergency.