Former ZANU PF Member of Parliament for Chivi South Killer Zivhu says he performed well in his constituency, but jealous people wrongly advised President Emmerson Mnangagwa to fire him.

Zivhu says he is happy that the President is now smelling the coffee and now aware that he is surrounded by useless people and thieves.

“It’s not a secret that I performed better in my Constituency, but people wrongly advised ED about me, because of jealous and power matrix in Masvingo.

“I am happy kuti ED ava kuzviona kuti he is surrounded by useless Comrades vasina zvavanoshanda kunze kwekubira vanhu fertilizer,” he says.

Zivhu also questions as to why the government is failing to pay civil servants under the new dispensation which eliminated thieves surrounding late former President Robert Mugabe through operation restore legacy.

“When thieves were surrounding the President civil servants were earning more than 400 USD, now thieves are gone, Minister Mtuli zvirikufamba seyi, civil servants are complaining about money, apa mbabva dzakadzingwa dzose,” he says.
