Suspected Zanu PF activists have been  tearing down MDC-Alliance candidates’ campaign posters. In Makoni Central, 10 wards were reportedly stripped of all MDC Alliance posters a day after they were placed.

MDC Alliance supporters who were manning the posters caught two Zanu PF activists in the act and the matter was reported to the police (RR3440575).

In Chegutu West, MDC-Alliance candidate Mr Gift Konjana found all his torn posters dumped just outside Chegutu town.

Meanwhile, A 59-year-old woman from Kungisai village under Chief Nhema, Zaka district, appeared before magistrate Peter Madiba on Wednesday, July 11, and was given a warning after being convicted of pulling down MDC Alliance presidential candidate, Nelson Chamisa’s campaign poster.

It was the State’s case that on July 3, Lydia Rugede went to Kushinga co-operative garden and found an MDC Alliance poster emblazoned with Chamisa’s face displayed on a log some 20 metres away. She then tore off the poster from its place and went about her work.

An informant later on saw the poster discarded under a thorny bush and reported the matter to the police, leading to the arrest of the suspect.

Asked by the magistrate why she committed the offense, Rugede said she just felt scared after seeing the poster, and pleaded with the court to forgive her.