By kelvin Kasiwulaya

All is not well at Zhaugwe Secondary School in Shurugwi where a drunkard recently disrupted classes, bashed the deputy headmaster and forcibly kissed a female teacher.

Gift Patiwa of stand number 14 Village 6 Zhauagwe, appeared before Shurugwi resident Magistrate Mr Sangster Tavengwa for disorderly conduct as defined in section 41 (a) (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23.

Prosecuting, Nyengeterai Nechirava told the court that on the 20th of July 2017 at Zhaugwe Secondary School, around 16:00hrs, Gift Patiwa (26) entered the school yard in the company of his friend Thomas Chiwedza who is still at large for no apparent reason.

The accused person approached a female teacher who goes by the name Beauty Nguwo and dragged her weave before drawing his face to that of Beauty in a bid to kiss her.

As if that was not enough, Patiwa took some school desks throwing them towards students who were in their class rooms and all over the school yard, the accused stopped a student named Sandra Musina from giving a prayer whilst at the school assembly point.

Patiwa also raised his hands to slap the school’s deputy headmaster Mr Jonh Garirai who was addressing the assembly.

In his defence, the accused told the court that he was not responsible for his uncouth behaviour since he was drunk.

“Your worship I don’t know what really happened, I had drunk some opaque beer that had been prepared by fellow villagers, that was my first time to drink it, I think the beer caused me be to behave in such a manner.

Interjecting Patiwa’s response, Magistrate Tavengwa asked Patiwa if all those who drank the same beer had behaved in such a manner but Patiwa answered in the negative leaving the Magistrate to conclude that his behaviour was intentional.

Sentencing, Magistrate Sangster Tavengwa slapped Patiwa with a 6 months prison sentence of which three months were suspended for three years on condition of good behaviour leaving the accused with a three months effective prison sentence.