Tino Choga

A Harare based woman Yeukai Antonio has taken her friend Lisa Mushonhiwa to the Civil Courts over alleged love affairs with her husband.

The two were former love birds before marriage.

“I am now living in fear of this prostitute, she shouts at me and attacks me whenever she meet me. I once used to avoid her by evading and avoiding contact with her, but, finally I was tired of running away and decided to fight back.

“At one time she assaulted me at my house and destroyed some of my property,” she told the court recently.

Antonio further told the court that she was therefore seeking a peace order against the defendant who is in the habit of insulting and physically attacking her, but Mushonhiwa is declining the allegations saying she only had an affair with Antonio’s husband in 2011 and broke up in 2012, two years before he married Antonio.

“It is not true that I am having an affair with her husband, of course we were lovers before he got married, and broke up two years before he got married in 2014. In fact Antonio is my church mate at a local Johane Masowe sect.

“I was surprised when she called me to her house where she accused me of having an affair with her husband. I told her that I had nothing to do with her husband anymore, she then started hitting me and also hit back in defence,” she said.

She added that she was not against the idea of Antonio getting a peace order saying it was also her wish for the two to co-exist. The magistrate who heard the matter, Yeukai Dzuda granted Antonio a peace order, and urged the two to live in harmony. zwnews.com