A high ranking Zanu PF official and G40 supporter has savaged  Zimbabwe War Veterans warning that all hell will break loose if they ever utter a word against President Robert Mugabe.

Reacting to the recent retaliation from war vets against Mugabe when they told him they are the owners of Zanu PF and they will not be frightened by fringe supporters,  Zanu PF MP Psychology Maziwisa unleashed a salvo against the liberation war veterans describing them as uneducated and ignorant.

Maziwisa’s remarks are a direct response to war vets spokesperson Douglas Mahiya who threatened to expose and humiliate Mugabe at their Thursday 7 April  meeting in Harare this week.

“Who the hell do they think they are?” Maziwisa said.

He added: “Soon we will clash with them and it is not going to be a pleasant sight at all. If they think that these are just empty words, I dare them to utter just one more word and see if all hell will not break loose.”

War veterans have recently clashed with G40 faction members over their strong support for Team Lacoste faction allegedly led by VP Mnangagwa.

After openly calling for a new President for Zanu PF and Zimbabwe, war veterans have recently been seen in some party circles as an unwanted entity responsible for the current succession crises affecting the party.

Even Mugabe has openly told them “they can leave the party” if they are not willing to follow procedures.

War vets swiftly dismissed Mugabe’s utterances as misleading reminding him that they formed Zanu PF and they own it more than the so called supporters who have never been to the trenches.