President Emmerson Mnangagwa has told Zimbabweans not to despise China and it’s people solely on the basis of a single shooting incident which occured in Gweru recently.

Mnangagwa said Zhang Xuelin, a Chinese manager at Reden Mine in Gweru, who allegedly shot Kenneth Tachiona (39) on both legs as well as Wendy Chikwaira (30) on the arm after they confronted him over outstanding salaries last Sunday, does not necessarily resemble the behaviour of China and all its people.

He said crimes were committed by individuals, and not communities.

“I would also like to emphasise that this is an isolated incident, and no matter what had happened to the enterprise before the incident took place, this is not what we want to see,” said Mnangagwa at State House yesterday during a donation of Covid19 equipment by the Chamber of Chinese Enterprises in Zimbabwe (CCEZ) worth US$55 000.

“The behaviour of the Chinese employee involved in the case does not represent China, the Chinese Government and all Chinese nationals and Chinese enterprises in Zimbabwe. Any possible illegal acts and persons who violate the law should not be shielded,” Mnangagwa said.

The Zimbabwe leader however said Xuelin, like any other resident in the southern African country, will receive a fair trial, without discrimination and in accordance with Zimbabwe’s laws.

“Let me assure you that our laws are not discriminatory; there will be no favour, there will be no discrimination. The law must apply to every citizen and resident in this country equally. So the man involved will not be disadvantaged at all. He will receive a fair trial and fair treatment as any other Zimbabwean would have,” he said

Following the shootings in Gweru, Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe Guo Shaochun had said the incident did not represent the behaviour of the Chinese community in the country.

Guo said the Gweru shootings must not be left to jeopardise the long-standing diplomatic relations between Zimbabwe and China.

The trigger-happy Xuelin has since been been remanded in custody on attempted murder charges and is set to be tried at the Gweru magistrates court on July 7.

state media
Additional Reporting: Zwnews