ZANU-PF Politburo member Rtd Lieutenant General Engelbert Rugeje has urged party members to warmly welcome those joining the party, but hinted that this should be done while awakened to infiltration.

His sentiments follows recent developments which saw a number of opposition officials defecting to the ruling party.

Most recently, some former and serving senior members of the Movement for Democratic Change joined ZANU-PF.

Apparently, the ruling party has invited even members of the G40 to return to the party, but, President Emmerson Mnangagwa is on record calling for due care and urging the party to guard against infiltration by those who would work to kill the party from inside.

Meanwhile, speaking at the Bulawayo ZANU-PF Special Provincial Coodinating Meeting Committee meeting, which he chaired, Rugeje commended the work being done by The Hebert Chitepo School of Ideology, for instilling patriotism in members.

In his speech, Rugeje also announced that starting from the 5th of May 2021, the party will commence the process of structuring Cells/ Branches and Districts as a key foundation for the 5 Million Voters Mobilisation Strategy.

He called on party members to begin mobilising for the 2023 elections as directed by the ZANU PF First Secretary and President Emmerson Mnangagwa. He further denounced divisions urging members to heed to the Presidents call for Unity and sternly discouraged factionalism.

Meanwhile, Rugeje suggested that the party adopts the Chinese Communist Party principle which makes it mandatory for all senior party members to attend ideological re-orientation classes every five years.
