Norton independent legislator Themba Mliswa has bemoaned the factionalism being witnessed in the ruling ZANU-PF party.

While the party had been downplaying the existence of cracks, Mliswa says the ongoing DCC elections have exposed the squabbles within and warns that this may continue if not addressed.

“It’s unfortunate DCC elections experienced sporadic halts in Kadoma and Hurungwe. G40 elements being very rowdy on the whole.

“The elections exposed the serious divisions within ZANU-PF which may continue if improper structuring is allowed to prevail,” he says.

He urges party leaders to desist from imposing candidates, saying the will of the people should always be left to prevail.

“How do you mandate these leaders to establish structures when there’s so much division caused by impositions at odds with the people’s choice.

“It’ll be a problem. I’ve always advised restructuring should’ve taken place first before DCC with the PCC, CC & PB emanating from there,” he adds.

Meanwhile, ugly scenes rocked ZANU-PF DCC elections in Kwekwe recently, with party cadres accusing local leadership of mishandling the electoral processes.

This saw property being destroyed at the ruling party’s provincial party offices.
