Pupils at Cranborne Boys High School staged a demonstration on Wednesday against the school head, Dennis Masenga who stands accused of gross mismanagement.

School pupils at a number of schools in Harare have recently been protesting against school heads over maladministration.

An Upper Sixth pupil at Cranborne who spoke to The Herald outlined some of the pupils’ grievances that sparked the protests. He said:

The pupils raised their concern on the school’s failure to participate at national sporting events and failure to maintain sporting facilities such as rugby and soccer fields which are an eyesore.

Sporting activities are part of the new curriculum, but it seems the school head is not concerned about that.

Pupils are also forced to bring their own stationery for examination purposes. We are now writing our mid-term exams, but the school authorities are saying they do not have stationery for exams.

If you fail to bring your own stationery from home, it is at your own risk.

The pupils told the publication that they have sought assistance from the district schools inspector, Mr Chinoona. Said one of the pupils:

We engaged the district schools inspector known as Mr Chinoona to look into the matter today. We held a frank meeting with him and the headmaster.

He informed us that he is going to look at the issues raised by the students as a matter of urgency. The headmaster also said he is going to address our issues without victimising us.

The school head also told Mr Chinoona that he is aware of the grievances raised by the students.

Both Mr Chinoona and the school head, Mr Masenga refused to talk to the media.

-state media