Photo: OpenCouncilHre

Harare council has begun investigations into allegations that some nurses are demanding US$25 from pregnant women before assisting them to give birth.

The shocking allegations have been circulating widely on social media.

Council has however dismissed the allegations saying it accepts all forms of payment and will investigate the news.

“Council accepts all payment for maternity fees.

“We do not insist on payment in US$ as is being inferred in social media groups.

“We are investigating the allegations in all our health facilities.

However the allegations circulating have been buttressed by many victims at the council clinics.

“Dzivaresekwa Polyclinic is charging pregnant mothers an extra fee of US$25.

“They threaten those in labour pain saying if you want your baby pay us.

“More over, ukavanyima mari they refer you to Harare Hospital as a way yekukupfidzisa”, says the source.

Another victim of the practice narrated how the nurses at Warren Park demanded US$60 for an ambulance so that she could be sent to Parirenyatwa.

“I did not have the money and they kept insisting saying the baby had defecated in the womb”, she said.

However the lady failed to raise the money and was referred to Parirenyatwa.

The nurses at the hospital however said the baby was fine and had not defecated in the womb as was alleged.

The whole plot had been for her to simply pay US$60.

The money is believed to then be shared among the council nurses and the ambulance crew. OpenCouncilHre