Minister of Environment ,Climate and Wildlife, Dr. Sithembiso Nyoni launched the Climate Change Bill Consultations, at Harare International Conference Center yesterday.

Zimbabwe is working towards the development and gazetting of the Bill to enhance its climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts.

Stakeholders which include, local communities, Government ministries, departments and agencies, private sector entities, civil society organisations , development partners and academic institutions were in attendance.

Zimbabwe has an agro-based economy that heavily relies on agriculture.

Climate change has greatly affected agriculture in Zimbabwe and this has consequently resulted in food insecurity, increase in unemployment and a reduction in foreign currency earnings which has greatly crippled the economy.

Food insecurity in Zimbabwe is a result of the interplay of poverty, progressive low/ poor investment in the agricultural sector, and the inelasticity of the food production sector, compounded by the negative effects of extreme weather related events and climate change.
