The Community Newspapers’ Association of Zimbabwe (CNAZ) has described the death of Zimbabwe’s first Covid-19 (coronavirus) victim and journalist, Zororo Makamba, as a great loss to the country in general and the media industry in particular.
Said CNAZ in a statement:
“The country and the media fraternity have lost great talent and huge potential in the passing on of the broadcaster at only 30 years old. As CNAZ, we commiserate with his family and friends at this very tragic time and note with concern the state of our health facilities and systems which were not able to support and sufficiently complement efforts the young man and his family made in order to secure effective treatment”.
The association, which is a grouping of 18 publishers of community publications countrywide which was founded in 2009 to bring together, promote and support community newspapers from across the country, implored on the Government to improve healthcare systems for the good of all Zimbabweans.
“As a media personality with multi assignments and high personal profile both locally and internationally, it is noted that such, can expose and make vulnerable persons of his career, appeal and stature due to travel and many meetings in various destinations, contexts, situations and circumstances. These can be classified under hazards of the job one may encounter in the line of duty of demanding media work. In the face of deadly viruses such as Corona, the trenches of duty can prove hazardous”, part of the CNAZ statement reads.
The late Zororo, who is also revered business mogul James Makamba’s son was laid to rest Tuesday afternoon in the capital, Harare. His demise, coupled with a damning statement from the Makamba family, has cast aspersions on the preparedness of Zimbabwe to tackle the catastrophic pandemic which has shaken the globe in recent months.
Covid-19 has its roots in the Wuhan Province of China and has spread to other countries at an alarming pace. President Emmerson Mnangagwa recently declared coronavirus a national disaster.
