A picture of this evening’s supper at the country’s biggest health institution, Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals is trending on social media amid calls for President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa to address the economic challenges.

Former military intelligence officer, Cde Never Maswerasei posted a picture which he says was shared by a nurse working at the hospital and captioned:

“Commentary 🇿🇼 | As Zimbabwe’s healthcare system continues to deteriorate with no meaningful investment from Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government, a nurse has shared with us a picture of the daily meal at the country’s largest referral Parirenyatwa hospital in the capital Harare.”

Meanwhile, commenting on the picture, Children of War Veterans Association (COZVWA), implored Mnangagwa to address civil servants’ working conditions.

“Mr President!
As long as you have not addressed bread & butter issues, your efforts will never be noticed.

“Civil servants & pensioners are suffering.

“They dont eat roads, Dams new parliament etc.

“Once you pay them, cash will circulate in the economy & that will benefit everyone @edmnangagwa,” said COZVWA.

Reacting to the picture, veteran investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono posted:

This is the lunch that was served to pregnant women today at Parirenyatwa Hospital’s maternity unit.

Parirenyatwa used to be the best hospital in Southern Africa, second only to South African hospitals in the 1980s.

This comes after the Zimbabwean tyrant, Emmerson Mnangagwa, commissioned a multi-million dollar VVIP complex of airport lounges today for himself, his wife, and corrupt cabinet colleagues.

This is what corrupt rule does to a country. This is what Zimbabwean pregnant women are subjected to by the dictator, Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The contrast between the conditions at Parirenyatwa Hospital’s maternity unit and the investment in the VVIP complex at the airport highlights the disparity in resource allocation in Zimbabwe.

While the hospital is in dire need of improvements to ensure adequate care for pregnant women and their babies, the regime has prioritised luxurious amenities for the president and his goons.

2500 pregnant Zimbabwean women die every year giving birth, and many now go to South Africa where their chances of survival are high!