Norton independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa says President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s second republic is infiltrated by people like Owen Ncube who are undermining him.

Ncube is National Security Minister who is in charge of the Central Intelligence Organization (CIO). However, Mliswa says he is undermining Mnangagwa.

Mliswa writing on his microblog Twitter handle says whilst Ncube unnecessarily focusses on whimsical fancies of “G40” and “Gamatox” he doesn’t really have what it takes to be in government.

“The majority of top ranking security personnel have attained Masters Degrees, what does his CV hold?” Queries Mliswa.

Mliswa adds it is unfortunate that the 2nd Republic is infiltrated by persons who wantonly abuse the name of the President and First Family.

He said people like Nguwaya who is yet to be arrested is one such person, adding that every dog has its day and that the chickens will come home to roost.

Mliswa says he is happy that the people who he believed have soiled the name of the President, lost in the recent DCC elections.

“Mpereri who lost as a MP in the last election & works with Owen Ncube and July Moyo who themselves purport to have been the brains behind the President’s election strategy as well as close allies of the same, lost to a little known candidate,” he says.

He adds that the loss shows they don’t control anything, adds that he is glad with the exposure.

“Even though Moyo lost an election, he was appointed by H.E. but continued to engage in corrupt activities forgetting who put him there.

“You can’t be involved in taking away land from the rightful indigenous owners and giving it to white land barons without consequence,” he adds.

Mliswa adds: “As what was being perpetrated against the residents of Joshua Nkomo Housing Co-op to Billy Rautenbach’s unfair, illegal advantage. Moyo is corrupt and Ncube doesn’t tell H.E. the truth on the ground. Matters concerning the CIA, MI5, Scotland Yard etc go above his head.”
