The main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has reportedly been hit by a wave of double candidates fielded by state security agents to cause some confusion in the camp.

It is alleged that the move was to undermine the party’s prospects of winning in some constituencies and wards in the 23 August general elections.

The same rocked Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance, in 2018, resulting in the party losing a number constituencies and wards that were technically won by the opposition.

The ghosty Forever Associates Zimbabwe (FAZ) outfit run by the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) has allegedly grabbed control of the electoral process in Zimbabwe to rig the polls.

FAZ is led by CIO co-deputy Director-General retired Brigadier-General Walter Tapfumaneyi.

The outfit is not a constitutional body or official arrangement, but an underground operational unit frantically campaigning for President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Zanu PF in the elections.

FAZ has displaced the army’s key structure called Heritage which used to perform a similar role and other functions during elections.

In 2018, the army ran elections through Heritage and Africom, a converged communications service provider.

Zimbabwe has a long history of disputed elections, especially after 2000.

CCC deputy spokesperson Gift “Ostallos” Siziba said: “We know that Faz has fraudulently created fake signatures for candidates to be registered under CCC without our approval.

“(The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission) has our letter with official signatories designated to sign on behalf of CCC. We have not signed for any double candidate anywhere. It’s criminal, it’s fraud and we will not accept it!”
