ZIMBABWE VICE President Kembo Mohadi was on Sunday left shaken and bleeding after clashing with a man accusing him of bedding his CIO wife, ZimLive can reveal.

Following the confrontation, an unidentified woman who was with Mohadi inside his Harare home got so angry at the discovery that he was seeing another woman she hit the vice president with an object, possibly a shoe, which caused him to bleed from the head, sources said.

Jacob Mumpande, whose wife Abbigal Mumpande, nee Muleya, works at Mohadi’s office as a junior security officer stormed the 71-year-old’s Milcox Road residence in Glen Lorne after learning of the affair.

Mumpande had obtained recordings of phone calls of the vice president – whose second wife left him in 2019 – talking to Abbigal and expressing his undying love for her. He also allegedly sent her nudes.

“Ngithe ngikutshele ukuthi ngiyakuthanda, angisoze ngafa ngabuyela emuva (I called to say I love you, and I’ll never change my mind),” Mohadi, speaking in isiNdebele, said in one of the recorded phone calls sent to this reporter anonymously.

Two people who have previously spoken to Mohadi and Abbigal confirmed it was their voices on the audios.

Mohadi also referred to her as “my wife” in another recording, and commented that she looked beautiful at work. “I loved you more,” he said.

And betraying his knowledge that she is married, he told her how he had called her late at night then quickly hung-up, realising she might be with her husband.

Affair … Abbigal Mumpande was recorded talking to vice president Kembo Mohadi


Troubled union … Jacob Mumpande and his wife Abbigal after their marriage in 2014


Mumpande, accompanied by his wife, arrived at the Mohadi residence at about 4.30PM on Sunday and was allowed inside after the vice president was consulted.

A furious Mumpande, who was described as “heartbroken” and “upset”, accused Mohadi of romping with his wife without protection during a shouting match lasting an hour, ZimLive heard.

“The vice president just kept apologising,” a source briefed on the incident said.

“They left after an hour. Abbigal was in tears.”

Mumpande told Mohadi that his wife would no longer work for him, the source said. Reverend Paul Damasane, the permanent secretary in Mohadi’s office, was instructed by Mohadi to process her transfer as early as Monday.

The source added: “When Mohadi came out of the house, he had a small amount of blood on his forehead, and his hands were slightly swollen. It was clear it became quite physical in there with the woman he was with before Mumpande arrived.”

Mohadi was driven out of his residence following the hubbub, returning after two hours. It was unclear if the vice president had seen a doctor during his absence.

Damasane said on Monday morning: “I’m hearing this for the first time. I was in Bulawayo yesterday. I just met the vice president in his office for our daily morning brief and what you are asking me did not come up at all.”

Mumpande declined requests for an interview. Abbigal told ZimLive she was at work, but denied having an affair with Mohadi. When confronted with the leaked recordings of their phone calls, she declined to answer further questions.

Mumpande and Abbigal – both from Binga – were married in 2014 after dating for more than a year. They have two children.

Abbigal joined the Central Intelligence Organisation(CIO), a department in the President’s Office, as a junior officer in 2019 and was deployed to Mohadi’s office at Munhumutapa Building.

The moral authority of President Emerson Mnangagwa and his two deputies Constantino Chiwenga and Mohadi has long been questioned.

Mnangagwa reportedly has over 18 children with different women while Chiwenga divorced his wife, Jocelyn Mauchaza, to marry model Marry Mubaiwa who hurriedly divorced footballer Shingi Kawondera.

Chiwenga has filed for divorce from Marry and banished her from seeing their three children after getting her arrested. He accused her of being a druggie and attempting to kill him, which she denies.

Mohadi divorced Tambudzani Muleya, his wife of more than 30 years, in 2017. Two years later, she accused Mohadi of storming their former matrimonial home and threatening her with an axe as they rowed over property.

Short-lived … Vice President Kembo Mohadi and second wife Juliet Mutavhatsindi, who has left him(L)

The vice president soon moved in with Juliet Mutavhatsindi after paying lobola for her. Mutavhatsindi, however, has since left Mohadi. A source claimed she returned from a foreign trip unexpectedly and found him with another woman, causing the break-up.

Mohadi appeared alongside President Mnangagwa at State House on Monday where recently appointed ministers and deputy ministers were sworn-in.