As the Zimbabwean economic crunch continue to hit hard on the ordinary citizen, a Chiredzi woman recently appeared before a local magistrate demanding a 35 percent increase on the maintenance fee she was receiving from former husband.

Vimbainashe Lisabe (29) told Chiredzi Resident Magistrate Geraldine Tsoto that the cost of living was now high and the maintenance she was getting can no longer match the prices of commodities she is supposed to buy for her kids.

Lisabe went on to produce a price list showing the increase of prices on basic commodities:

” Bread was at $1 now its $ oil was pegged at $3.45 now its $3,90 and in some retail shops it’s now $4 straight, peanut butter was at $1 its now selling at $1,20,it is because of this price hikes that I am begging that my maintenance fee be risen by 35 percent,” she said.

Lesabe was getting $50 from Killion Chijokwe as maintenance and now she wants a 35 percent increase which would put the fee at $68.

Her argument crumbled when she was asked if her former husband’s salary had increased and she said there was no increase.

Settling the civil matter Magistrate Tsoto pegged Lesabe’s maintenance at the already agreed stroke of $50 per month.