A 47-year-old paedophile from Chipinge will spend 15 years behind bars after he was found guilty of raping his 13-year-old niece.
In turn, the shameless paedophile, Charles Mwayamudza of the Mapungwana area in Chipinge District, is shouldering the blame on ‘evil spirits’ for the abominable act on the minor. Appearing before Chipinge Regional Magistrate Christopher Maturure this Wednesday afternoon, Mwayamudza pleaded guilty to the rape charges levelled against him.
The quadragenarian shocked the court when he said that he committed the evil act out of lust while blaming evil spirits for the rape. In his puzzling defense, Mwayamudza said he was being haunted by evil spirits which led him into bedding the minor on two different occasions.
According to state papers, on an unknown date in March last year, Mwayamudza raped the 13-year-old after he was left in charge of his brother’s two minor children. It was also proved that sometime in September 2018, the jail-bound heartless paedophile forcibly raped the minor after he was again left in charge of the juveniles.
Prosecuting, Themba Dhliwayo told the court that the family made attempts at solving the matter on their own before an irreparable fall-out resulted in the matter being reported to police, leading to Mwayamudza’s subsequent arrest.
He will serve an effective 15-year jail sentence while 18 months were suspended on condition of good behaviour.

State Media