In a very depressing incident which has left villagers from Chipinge dumbfounded, a 12-year old Grade 7 pupil at Mwacheta Primary School in Ward 16 reportedly stabbbed a fellow classmate to death after being embroiled in an argument over a pencil.

Although James Chigugudhlo the Mwacheta school head confirmed the incident to the regional Mirror newspaper, he referred all questions to the District Schools’ Inspector.

Ward 16 Councillor Raphious Maphahla said the incident occurred Tuesday afternoon when the squabbling students were on their way back home.

The deceased died on the way to Chipinge District Hospital.

“As the two fought, the one who was being overpowered called on his brothers who were coming from a nearby secondary school and the brothers urged their sibling to stab his classmate with a knife on the left side of the chest,” Cllr Maphahla said.

It is also reported that the killer child’s brothers ran away after the incident.

Cllr Mapahla also urged the community to keep children away from dangerous weapons.
Officer Commanding Chipinge, (Dispol) Kennedy Nyaumwe also confirmed the incident.
