Renowned investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono has been awarded Greenfield People Journalism Prize for Africa.

This is a public service journalism award that recognizes outstanding journalists in Africa, whose work have resulted in positive change, and impact in society.

Announcing his award, Chin’ono said:

“I have been awarded the Greenfield People Journalism Prize for Africa.

“It is a public service journalism award that recognizes outstanding journalists in Africa, whose work have resulted in positive change, and impact in society. I won it jointly with David Hundeyin.”

Meanwhile, MDC Alliance president Nelson Chamisa has congratulated Chin’ono for winning the prize.

Chamisa said the award is a clear testimony to Chin’ono’s exceptional and outstanding journalism in exposing corruption.

“Congratulations my brother Hopewell for this great award.

“It is testimony to exceptional and outstanding journalism in exposing corruption.

“It also shows that whilst you are being persecuted for doing your work, the rest of the world knows that your work is authentic & credible,” he said.


See the email below: