ZANU PF Secretary for Legal Affairs Patrick Chinamasa recently addressed Varakashi4ED workshop where he thanked the internet foot soldiers.

“I was honoured and privileged to deliver the opening and closing remarks at a week-long Varakashi4ED workshop held from 9-15 June 2024 at Karumazondo Resort Centre, approximately 15km outside Marondera.

“This workshop was conducted by the Chitepo School of Ideology.

“Resource persons were drawn mainly from The Chitepo School of Ideology (Rtd Colonel Magumise, Col Badza, and Cde Chirisa, along with the School’s Principal, Cde Munyaradzi Machacha), ZanuPF Commissariat Department (Cde Machacha in his new role as National Political Commissar), the party’s Information and Publicity Department (represented by its Director, Cde Farai Muroiwa Marapira), Heritage Trust (Cdes Norman Mbimbi and Dereck Goto), and the Government (Cdes Mada and George Charamba),” he says.

He adds that topics covered included national history, ZANUPF Party Affairs, Zimbabwe economy, national ideology, Mandate of the Commissariat Department, National Defence and Security, Discipline and Code of Conduct (the dos and don’ts), Guidance on Communication and the Role of NGOs and CSOs, who funds them, Opposition Politics and its players and their funders, Media Communications, and current affairs.

“In my remarks, I pointed out that Varakashi4ED, as a ZANUPF Affiliate Organisation, was one of many cogs in the well-oiled ZANU-PF machine.

“I commended them for their dedication, commitment, loyalty, and selflessness as Cyber Warriors and servants of ZANUPF, exemplified by their voluntary service.

“I thanked Varakashi4ED for their stout defense of ZANUPF, President ED Mnangagwa, and the ZANU-PF Government, especially during the Party’s election campaigns leading to the resounding and emphatic victory in the August 2023 Harmonised Elections.

“I also expressed gratitude to Cde Machacha for putting together a training module relevant to the work of Varakashi4ED. After the workshop, we all posed for a photo.

“Those who have eyes, let them “eye,” and those who have ears, let them “ear.” Nokuti hatigoni kurega kutaura zvatakaona nezvotakanzwa,” says.
