The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa has responded to the High Court ruling barring 12 party candidates saying if the ruling is to stand, then elections have been nullified.

Speaking at a rally in Kadoma, few hours after the High Court’s decision to bar 12 CCC Bulawayo parliamentary candidates, party president Nelson Chamisa said it is politically motivated ruling and pointed out that it would mean elections are not going on.

He warned that if the move to stop the 12 is allowed to stand, then President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa would have nullified the elections.

At least 12 CCC were barred from participating in this year’s election set for 23 August for allegedly submitting their nomination papers late.

The ruling against the 12 was handed down by judge Nokuthula Moyo on behalf of Justice Bongani Ndlovu.

Meanwhile, CCC Spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere said the party is going to appeal against the Bulawayo judgement barring the 12 candidates from contesting.

She said “Citizens have the right to nominate candidates within the ambit of the law and to be represented by MPs that they choose in a free and fair election.
