In his retrospect of the year 2022, whose curtains will come down this weekend, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party leader, Nelson Chamisa, has sensationally declared that his political outfit is ‘far-ahead’ and ready for the future.

In the first few months of the impending 2023, Chamisa’s main opposition outfit is expected to give the ruling Zanu PF and its presidential candidate, the incumbent Emmerson Mnangagwa, a good run for their money in potentially explosive harmonised elections.

According to the Constitution of Zimbabwe, Mnangagwa, who controversially beat Chamisa (then with the MDC Alliance) in the disputed 2018 presidential election, has the executive powers of announcing election dates in the country.

Political analysts have often ruled out the CCC’s chances of removing the long-ruling Zanu PF from Government as the revolutionary party, which has been in power since Zimbabwe’s attainment of independence in 1980, has all state apparatus at its disposal to skew any electoral outcome.

But, while taking stock of the eventful year in which his party was formed, and subsequently out-balloted Zanu PF in by-elections, Chamisa said in 2022:

“GOD has been good to us (as the party) covered milestones”.

In typical fashion, Chamisa took to his Twitter page to highlight some of the achievements which his CCC made in 2022, which include: completion of the party manifesto, readiness of the candidate selection template for the polls and successes of the grassroots engagement drive amongst other positives.

Below, we publish the full text of Chamisa’s post on Twitter.

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THIS 2022 GOD has been good to us, we covered milestones;

1/3 CCC formed but yet to be officially launched.

-Draft constitution ready -Manifesto ready

-Candidate selection template ready –

Elections agents ready –

PREPARE reforms document launched

-The Jobs Plan ready

2/3-Diaspora policy doc ready

-Elections strategy ready

-Grassroots engagement Mugwazo

-Global Advocacy for Change

-Government Transition & Power transfer strategy ready

-The transformation and reconstruction roadmap

-Comms strategy ready -Fundraising & Resources Mob ready

3/3 -Youth & Women platforms set

-Local authorities strategy doc

-SOLID School of leadership & ideology ready.

-We won by elections 19/29 parly seats 89/149 cnlrs seats.

We are far ahead and future-ready. #Fakapressure
