Zanu PF plots to raise election age requirement, Chamisa may not contest in 2023

HARARE: Zanu-PF will seek to bar youthful MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa  and anyone below 55 from standing in the 2023 Presidential Elections by raising the age requirement, a shocking report claimed on Thursday.

The current base age for one to run for President is 40 years, but this could be raised to 55 through a constitutional amendment, Daily News reported today, quoting government and ruling party sources.

Nelson Chamisa is 40 years old, he will be eligible for the high office in 2033.

Zanu PF ia able to use its two thirds parliamentary majority to legally amend electoral laws.

MDC secretary general Douglas Mwonzora said such moves would be resisted through the courts.

“The intention by Zanu PF to change presidential constitutional age limits is malicious, vindictive and clearly unconstitutional,” Mwonzora said on Twitter.