An European Union Observer Mission member was caught on camera handing over a message to Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa at a rally which critics say she should supposedly be neutrally observing.

Chamisa held a well attended rally at Robert Mugabe/ Freedom Square in the capital yesterday.

The rally was also attended by former Mozambican President Joachim Chisano, Southern African Development Community observer team members among other foreign dignitaries.

Commenting on the incident, a ZANU PF member Nicole Hondo complained.

“A @eueomzim2023 obaserver hands over a message to CCC leader Nelson Chamisa at a rally she is supposed to be neutrally observing.

“You see?” She protested.

President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa and his government is on record warning foreign observers not to interfere with the country’s electoral process.

The government says observers should only look and listen without taking part or interfering.
