Zimbabwe’s main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Nelson Chamisa has been blocked from paying condolences to the family of Chief Mabhikwa in Matebeleland.

According to renowned investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, the police and other security officers stopped Chamisa from getting out of his car when he got to the Chief’s homestead.

“Chamisa has just been barred from Mabhikwa’s funeral. He arrived here moments ago, but was told Zanu PF leaders and supporters have said he should not be allowed to attend,” a source at the funeral told Newshawks.

The source continued: “He was told he can’t attend because Vice-President Chiwenga is coming. Chiwenga is representing government and also paid for the funeral.

“So he doesn’t want the opposition at the chief’s burial. The problem is people here want Chamisa, but Zanu PF doesn’t.”

Speaking on his arrival in Lupane, Chamisa said Zimbabwe has lost a great leader.

“In Lupane to pay condolences to the Mabhikwa family and the community on the sad and tragic passing on of Chief Mabhikwa.

“We have lost a great and wise leader indeed! RIP Chief Mabhikwa,” he said.

Chief Chabhikwa died recently in a car crash and has been awarded state-assisted funeral.

Vice President Constantino Chiwenga will represent President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the Chief’s burial today.
