Former military intelligence officer Cde Never Maswerasei has accused popular politician Nelson Chamisa of reversing the late opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s legacy.

Maswerasei says Tsvangirai did not become Prime Minister by quoting Bible verses and selling false hope.

Whilst Maswerasei did not mention Chamisa by name, his reference tells it all.

“Leadership levels: Tsvangirai become PM not by quoting bible verses telling supporters God is in it, folding hands and running away from infiltration.

“He was successful in managing infiltrators till he forced their master to the negotiating table & became PM of the country,” said Maswerasei via his X handle Windhoek Cables Network.

He added that currently the supporters of the once mighty party are struggling and crying for real leadership.

“Today supporters of his once mighty opposition are politically malnourished orphans dying of leadership hunger after being abandoned by those that unprocedurally positioned themselves as heir apparents.

“It’s quite sad that such a huge movement is now torn into unusable shreds.

“MRT knew these infiltrators but still selected them for ministerial appointments & they delivered.

“Even after they rebelled against him and called him names, he still reached out to them and convinced them to form a formidable coalition that would compete in 2018,” he added.

Chamisa recently abandoned his party Citizens Coalition for Change citing infiltration by state agents.
