The country’s cabinet is meeting today to deliberate on the matter of house demolitions in an effort to find an friendly solution to the crisis.

ZANU-PF Secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu speaking during a press conference yesterday said cabinet is today deliberating on the issue.

Meanwhile, Norton independent Member of Parliament, Temba Mliswa is on record lambasting the ruling party for being the godfather of land barons.

“It’s the father and mother of land barons and it can deal with the children of land barons.

“It’s unfortunate the Godfathers are sitting in Politburo, Central Committee and Government Ministers, some have left now, but they started it all,” he says.

“You don’t seek votes by giving people illegal trinkets; you don’t. They don’t even vote for you anyway.

“There’s a need for the regularisation of illegal settlers and demolitions are part of this process. Let this be a lesson to anyone,” he adds.

Meanwhile, the Goromonzi Rural District Council with help from the central government recently demolished more than 1000 houses in Melfort.

However, the residents had a letter indicating that the development was given the green light by the ministry of lands to take place.

The state has been saying the development was illegal hence the demolitions.
