MORE than a month after his four-year-old son was admitted in hospital with third degree burns, Kudakwashe Mahachi, accompanied by his wife, Rose Tatenda Mahachi finally visited his child at Mpilo Central Hospital on Sunday thanks to a court order secured by his lawyers, B-Metro can reveal.

The minor was admitted in hospital on 19 April.

Mahachi is alleged to have deliberately poured boiled water on his four-year-old son in South Africa before he smuggled him to Zimbabwe.

Police are investigating the case.

Last week, B-Metro revealed that Mahachi sneaked into the country and went into hiding as he was terrified of reprisals from people who are convinced that he scalded his four-year-old son with boiling water resulting in him suffering third-degree burns.

Zimbabweans, on various social media platforms, made clear their agitation at Mahachi and his wife, Rose Tatenda Mahachi, who they blame for severe burns that have seen the minor admitted to Mpilo Central Hospital for more than a month now.

Mahachi denies the allegations and has engaged a law firm, Tanaka Law Chambers to clear his name.

In an interview, Mahachi’s lawyer, Nkosiyabo Sibanda, of Tanaka Law Chambers confirmed that his client visited his son.

“Yes, we went to Mpilo Hospital yesterday and father and son had a healthy conversation. The child requested goodies from his father. That is all I can say for now,” said Sibanda.

Maritha Ndlovu, the mother of the minor, said Mahachi and his wife visited the child after getting a court order.

“He came with his wife after they produced a court order and the hospital allowed them to see the child. I kept out of their way because the law has to be respected, but the visit traumatised my child because he was not comfortable and he cried throughout the night. Calming him was a struggle,” she said.
