Bulawayo Proportional Representation Councillor, Melisa Mabeza, has proposed that the council shut down Burombo flats in Nguboyenja for renovations to improve the living conditions for the inhabitants.

The council-owned flats have long been condemned as unfit for human habitation.

Cllr Mabeza proposed during the latest Full Council Meeting while they discussed the issue of perennial burst sewer systems around the city.

Apparently, a Harare mayor Jacob Mafume yesterday said several buildings in the capital were death traps and facing closure because of dilapidation.

Mafume made these sentiments after visiting a building that collapsed in the capital on Saturday afternoon, killing Yolanda Hodzi of Norton and injuring six.

The building crumbled in Harare’s central business district at corner Chinhoyi and Bank Streets.

The cause of the collapse is yet to be established as investigations underway.

In an interview with NewsDay, Mafume apologised for the tragedy.

“We are sorry for the tragedy,” he said.

“I am very sad about what happened. It is very unfortunate, we had issued a notice just a few weeks ago about the state of buildings in the capital.

“We will inspect them with a view to close those that do not meet standards and give a timeline to revamp the buildings so that in future we do not record such tragedies.”
