Zimbabwe Govt clears air on SA “resurrection story”…Exposes Lukau fake miracle

The employers of the Zimbabwean man who was ‘resurrected’ from the dead by Pastor Alph Lukau have spoken out saying they are shocked by his antics.

The man has been identified by Eyewitness News as Brighton Moyo(29) who works at timber a company in Pretoria.

The company, Vincent Amoretti PTY LTD, said on Tuesday the last time they saw Brighton was 19 February, when he arrived late for work.

He had gone to a funeral over the weekend of 16 and 17 February, and he told his colleagues he was late on Tuesday as church elders asked him to stay a day longer.

Brighton who got arrested following the “resurrection” has not been at work since last Tuesday and his absence, is being treated as absent with leave.

His boss Vincent said this was not the first time Brighton was involved with Pastor Lukau.

Brighton once helped the pastor by pretending to be wheelchair-bound and then standing up after Lukau prayed for him.

His employer described Brighton as an intelligent man.

“Can you imagine what a life he’s had? He’s worked for me, he died, he was resurrected and now he’s been arrested,” said Vincent on the show.

“As a commission, we need to get to the root of this. Unless we do that, South Africans are taken for a ride and their intelligence is insulted,” said the commission’s deputy chair David Mosoma.

Resurrected man is Lukau’s cameraman

Zimbabwe Govt Issues Statement:

Zimbabwe’s Consul-General to South Africa Mr Batiraishe Mukonoweshuro set the record straight  following claims by a Congolese preacher based in South Africa, Mr Alph Lukau of the Alleluia International Ministries church on Sunday that he had “resurrected” a Zimbabwean who had died on Friday in Johannesburg.

The alleged Sunday miracle has received criticism from all angles and has attracted a lawsuit from a funeral parlour.

Mr Mukonoweshuro, who signs repatriation letters for locals who die in the neighbouring country, said he was not in possession of papers clearing any Zimbabwean to be repatriated on Sunday from South Africa.

He said as the man was said to have died last Friday, there was no way the body could have been repatriated on Sunday as the whole process could only be done during weekdays.

Mr Mukonoweshuro said after the alleged death last Friday, there was no way the so-called family would have managed to clear the body in a day.
