When some of his peers from the neighborhood were joining the Great Trek to neighboring South Africa in the pursuit of escaping the economic horrors in Zimbabwe, the now 30-year old Bongani Ndlovu decided to stay put and face the music head-on.
And, down in the African township of Rutendo in Redcliff town where he grew up, the inhabitants there were not only agonized by the economic woes of the time, they were also being affected by the perennial water problems blamable on a debatably underperforming Redcliff Municipality failing to deliver services.
“To me, the water woes crippling the community was a blessing in disguise and it gave me the opportunity of starting my own company. Today, Watercentre Drilling and Installation is proudly my brainchild,” said the soft-spoken Ndlovu while speaking to this pubication in an interview.
But, how did this all began?
“So, the Watercentre project actually started in the year 2016 when I was a mere 23-year-old. This was after I’d seen a vacuum in terms of water provision and instead of crying foul, I just thought that I would cuddle the opportunity and embark on a project bent on supplying water to the people. Today, I get contracts from various parts of the country and my organisation has been growing in leaps and bounds,” he said.
Ndlovu also added saying:
“When I started in 2016, I’d absolutely no funds but I got the financial and technical backing of Engineer Tawanda Masawi who roped me into his company to get the expertise on drilling and installation services”.
Today, Ndlovu’s WaterCentre Drilling and Installation counts amongst some of the fastest growing wholly indigenous-owned commercial enterprises in the Midlands Province.
Ndlovu also said that he intends to establish more branches across the country in a bid to attract a wider clientele base.
“For those wishing to install and drill boreholes at their homes, places of work or in their communities, I am contactable on +263739044716 for WhatsApp and +263772744575 for voice calls. Alternatively, they can also contact me via e-mail on bonganipndlovu0@gmail.com,” he said.