Everson Taelo Moyo is a 30 year old Zimbabwean political asylum seeker based in Newcastle, United Kingdom.

Moyo who travelled from Zimbabwe lin 2008 via South Africa and Ireland told immigration and asylum office that he is a member of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change.

According to various sources, Moyo fled Masvingo Zimbabwe when he fell victim to political hooliganism from the ruling Zanu PF party of President Mugabe.

He was an Information Technology(IT) teacher.

everson taelo moyo zim uk asylum seeker flees mugabe regime pictures latest news

From South Africa he then fled to Ireland before crossing into Newcastle UK in January 2013.

As it stands Moyo is in a predicament as he has exhausted all his appeal rights.

While there is no news of possible deportation, he fears that he may be send home any time.

From the photos and videos posted online it appears that Everson Taelo Moyo is a keen musician with  a good hand for traditional Zimbabwe and African music.everson taelo moyo mdc zimbabwe