Masvingo – Michael Zumba arrested on suspicion of dealing in foreign currency was acquitted by a Masvingo magistrate yesterday after spending 30 days in remand prison.

His three-year daughter died last week while he was in detention.

Magistrate Nomagugu Sibanda ruled out that the cops who gave evidence were not credible witnesses as they gave conflicting information in court.

Zumba was represented by Knowledge Mabvure of Chihambakwe Law Chambers.

When Police arrested him at Yeukai Business Center in Mucheke, they only found US$20 and ZAR20 on him.

Magistrate Sibanda found out that one of the cops said that they saw Magugu shouting for foreign currency customers from a distance while the other said they saw him selling airtime.

The other one said Zumba had an Econet bib to show that he was selling airtime while the one said he had no bib.

Zumba was released last week by the court to attend the funeral of his child.

Progress Magara appeared for the state.

Text/ image- The Mirror