Air commodore Peter Zimondi and cousin to the late Perence Shiri who died recently will be buried at his rural home today, it has been established.

Zimondi spent several months in a coma since the time he was involved in an accident near Zororo cemetery along Seke road in July.

Apparently, despite him having had been a very senior army official, it seems Zimondi has not been accorded the national hero status.

Renowned political commentator Elder Mabhunu says Zimondi’s rank would have seen him being declared a national hero.

“There is politics at play, Zimondi, an air commodore should have been declared national hero,” he says.

Apparently, as of now, the government is silent on what status has been accorded to Zimondi.

Air Commondore Zimondi’s father and late Shiri’s father were biological brothers.

Shiri died at the height of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020.
