An acute water shortage coupled with electricity problem has hit Kadoma which has seen some parts going for a week without water and this has forced residents to repair  council boreholes.

Residents of Rimuka have taken the work up upon themselves and have started repairing boreholes in their wards after the City of Kadoma neglected repairing them since the height of cholera that hit the town on 2008.

Joseph Banda a resident of Ward 6 said that he repaired the borehole along Kahuni Street after the council had failed to provide solutions to the water problem and they are now locking the borehole to prevent it from being vandalised.

“We approached the Ward Councillor to have a feedback on the water situation and were told that the problem was being caused by electricity problems then we raised the need for the borehole to be repaired. We collected some funds from some residents and bought some tools and a lock to lock the borehole,” said Banda.

In Ward 4 and Ward 8 residents have also collected some funds towards some repairs of their respective ward boreholes.

When contacted for a comment Kadoma mayor Ald Action Nyamukondiwa could neither confirm nor deny an acute shortage of water in the city.

“We have a problem in the distribution of water,”said Ald Nyamukondiwa.

City of Kadoma Town Clerk, Godfrey Dondo when approached on whether residents had the right to collect some funds and repair and lock council infrastructure, he said that he would check with the engineering department before commenting.

“The boreholes belongs to the council and I will check with the engineering department on what is going on within the community,”said Kadoma Town Clerk.