Acting President Constantino Chiwenga says Zimbabweans should work hard so that there is meaningful change in their lives and the country as a whole.

Speaking as he officially opened the Agribusiness Indaba at the Zimbabwe Agricultural Show yesterday, Chiwenga said it is high time Zimbabweans particularly intellectuals work 24/7 so that come next year there is change in people’s lives and as a proof that improving their lives is doable or not.

He said it is no longer time for praise singing people as having made good points during speeches, but rather time to make a meaningful change in people’s lives.

In his speech, as he has always been doing, Chiwenga did not chant the ruling party’s newly found Slogan “2030 ED anenge achipo.”

Some sections of ZANU PF are calling for the extension of Mnangagwa’s term, and has since made the 2030 slogan their ‘national anthem.’

Remarks by the Acting President (Rtd) General Dr C.G.D.N Chiwenga:

-A very Good Morning to you all, lt is my honor of addressing at this INDABA.

-We wanted to come up with something tangible lm happy that we have managed.

-Now going forward you shall work 24/7 so that next year there is change so that we can see that it is doable or not.

-Even the soil needs to be taken care of.

-We have over 10 000 dams in Zimbabwe and we shall continue to construct more dams and fully utilize them.

-Three weeks ago His Excellency President Mnangagwa launched at HICC a campaign for researchers to do more developments.

-We want Zimbabweans asking what shall will do with dams so that there is efficiency.

-As we are launching this INDABA we are doing away with cycles we need cross pollination to develop our country.

-let me applaud those who planned this occasion themed at research and innovative solutions for sustainable Agribusiness Development.

-Our President has pronounced his direction of transformation our Agriculture through Agriculture recovering programs.

-What is being done to put fish ponds is important ,growing fruit trees ,horticulture all this lies under rural transformation.

-By the end of the day there must be No rural areas they will all be producing all over Zimbabwe.

-The role of research in this scientific is for development.

-There is need to research to obtain solutions.

-All we need is prismatic research.

-We will surely achieve our vision 2030 of transforming our rural areas to upper middle incomes.

-I challenge you the researches here today to challenge yourselves , Think boldly and come up with ideas that ensures productivity for our Zimbabwe.

-We just want to see the grounds for development of ourselves rather than what must they do.

-Let’s look for our situation and write our own plans and solutions.

-The Second Republic is ready to boost our Agricultural sector and achieve jobs for the jobless.

-Let this INDABA be proof of securing a sustainable future for our Agricultural sector.

-Hezvo varimi, madoctors mari yapo.

-Ladies and Gentleman allow me to say l acknowledge the work being done by our colleagues at the University of Zimbabwe.

-This has to be developed and we need this to be developed by industries.

-ln addition the Research being done by CUT of development of the bio fertilizers which are highly nutritious is excellent and other projects.

-Together let us forge a Zimbabwe where our natural resources are sustainably managed.

-Let’s just not say this person spoke a good point rather let’s make change.

-Embrace the power of research.

-Unity Freedom and Work is quite a powerful motto.

-l declare the INDABA officially opened.
-Tatenda Siyabonga