The incident that recently occurred at Pick and Pay shop in Masvingo, Zimbabwe, where a lady with albinism was denied entry into the shop did not only leave many with bad taste, but also exposed the loopholes in the current interventions and the need for more awareness.

According to the Amnesty International, the incident is unfortunate, shows the loopholes in the current interventions and steps should be taken to sure that covid-19 preventive interventions do not leave anyone behind.

The organization calls for interventions and policy measures that take into account that People With Disabilities (PWDs) need equal treatment and access to preventive measures.

The lady, Agnes Gurunhe (35) a woman with albinism was barred from getting into the shop because her skin could not be sanitized at the entrance.

This was after she had requested that she be given water and soap to wash her hands, rather than to have her use chemical sanitizer which is not friendly to her skin.

Regional Director at Amnesty International Regional Office for Southern Africa, Deprose Muchena says Gurunhe’s denial should be a wake up call on the need for enhanced awareness in covid-19 preventive measures interventions.

He says such treatment is not excusable by all accounts, adding that a policy shift was needed.

“The denial of Agnes Gurunhe of Mucheke to enter a TM #PicknPay supermarket in Masvingo because she requested soap & water to wash her hands instead chemical sanitizer which she could react to should open up awareness of lived experiences & health needs of persons with Alibnism.

“I do not concur that it’s being blown out of proportion – this kind of treatment by Pick n Pay is absolutely inexcusable; inclusive and non prejudicial policies should be an integral part of their management structure. Why should that lady be singled out. Better policy needed,” he says.

Explaining her ordeal Gurunhe said;

“I politely asked that I be given water and soap to wash my hands because my skin seriously reacts to sanitizers but the people manning the entrance said there was no water at the shop and they then denied me entry.

“I then requested to see the manager and they brought a man whom I assumed to be the manager. The man said it’s either I get my hands sanitized or I could not enter.

“After some talk, they then said I could list down the grocery items I wanted to purchase so that a staff member would do it for me while I waited outside. I considered that to be unreasonable because that would mean that I give them my bank card and my secret PIN,” Gurunhe told a local publication.

After the stalemate, Gurunhe was turned away from the shop.

When a local publication, TellZim contacted the Disability Amalgamation Community Trust (DACT), its chairperson Hentry Chavhanga, said he was shocked by the incident.

“I am on my way to find out what happened. That is an outrageous act of discrimination and TM Pick n Pay must be held responsible for that,” said Chivhanga, adding that he was going to seek audience with the shop manager.

The coronavirus pandemic has seen various governments promulgating regulations that require business owners to sanitize their customers and check their body temperatures at the entrances.

